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Most Recent Messages (Showing 5 of 19)
Wed 23-May-2012 Msg# 33 |
Invitation to Contribute Articles for AFS e-Newsletter - admin Dear AFS Members, Greetings from Asian Fisheries Society! We would like to take this opportunity to invite all AFS members to contribute articles for the coming June 2012 e-Newsletter. Any articles related to fisheries & aquaculture are welcomed. The deadline for submission is June, 15th, 2012. Please send your contributions (in English) to We would be grateful if you would help us to disseminate this information. Looking forward to receiving contributions from you. Thank you. Best wishes, Ms. Jocyntha Joseph Executive Officer Asian Fisheries Society c/o Laboratory Marine Biotechnology Institute of Bioscience University Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang Selangor, Malaysia D (+603) 8947 2216 F (+603) 8947 2217 W |
Wed 01-Feb-2012 Msg# 32 |
E-Newsletter Dec 2011 - admin DISSEMENTING INFORMATION ON AQUACULTURE & FISHERIES IN ASIA AND ASIA - PACIFIC REGION DOWNLOAD PDF VERSION FROM THE EDITOR I wish all the members a very happy, healthy and productive 2012. In spite of so much progress in science, over million people go to bed hungry every day. Food insecurity has become the major concern of most developing countries. Year 2011 has seen any conferences on food security at global, regional and national levels. Food insecurity cannot be addressed just by increasing production. We need to address issues that constrain access to food by the poor. Hence, food security is linked with livelihood security and poverty eradication. As we all know, fish the cheapest animal protein, has been contributing to livelihood security and poverty reduction besides being contributing to nutritional security. Estimates have been made by various institutions and scientists on the future demand for fish in the next 10-20 years. While many of us are positive of meeting the future demand, the major concern is sustainability of productions without impinging on the environment. We all have a role in contributing to the sustainable development of the sector to meet the future demand. Year 2011 has seen three major conferences organised by the Society and its branches: CAA3, DAA8 and 9th Indian Fisheries Forum which are detailed in the report. And also efforts are in progress to provide more information on Asian fisheries through AsiaPacific- Fishwatch. Issues related to gender are gaining importance in various discussions and starting of the Gender Aquafish is a good beginning in that direction. We are trying to bring as much information as possible to the members through the newsletter and I urge all members to share information on their research activities, research findings, upcoming conferences, training programs, etc. in their countries/institutions through the newsletter. M.V. Gupta ASIAN FISHERIES SOCIETY is now on facebook! MORE STORIES... AFS EVENTS OF 2011 3 3rd International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia 2011 (CAA3) 6 8th International Symposium on Disease in Asian Aquaculture 2011 (DAA8) 7 9th Indian Fisheries Forum (9IFF) 9ASIAPACIFIC-FISHWATCH 10 GENDER AQUAFISH 11 FREE DOWNLOADS FROM SEAFDEC AND CMFRI NEWS FROM BRANCHES 11 CHINA: Annual Meeting of China Society of Fisheries 12 TAIWAN: International Symposium on Grouper Culture 13 INDIA: Election of 10th Council (2012-2014) Planned activities for 2012-2014 EVENTS HIGHLIGHTS 14 10th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (10AFAF) 16 Aquafeed Horizons Asia & FIAAP Conference 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT 17 AFS New Executive Officer Notice of membership renewal AFS PUBLICATIONS 18 Asian Fisheries Science Journal 19 Publication for sale OTHERS 20 Membership form: New application & Renewal ASIAN FISHERIES SOCIETY | Lab. of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Bioscience, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia | Tel: +603 8947 2216| Fax: +603 8947 2217 | |
Wed 01-Feb-2012 Msg# 31 |
E-Newsletter Dec 2011 - admin DISSEMENTING INFORMATION ON AQUACULTURE & FISHERIES IN ASIA AND ASIA - PACIFIC REGION DOWNLOAD PDF VERSION FROM THE EDITOR I wish all the members a very happy, healthy and productive 2012. In spite of so much progress in science, over million people go to bed hungry every day. Food insecurity has become the major concern of most developing countries. Year 2011 has seen any conferences on food security at global, regional and national levels. Food insecurity cannot be addressed just by increasing production. We need to address issues that constrain access to food by the poor. Hence, food security is linked with livelihood security and poverty eradication. As we all know, fish the cheapest animal protein, has been contributing to livelihood security and poverty reduction besides being contributing to nutritional security. Estimates have been made by various institutions and scientists on the future demand for fish in the next 10-20 years. While many of us are positive of meeting the future demand, the major concern is sustainability of productions without impinging on the environment. We all have a role in contributing to the sustainable development of the sector to meet the future demand. Year 2011 has seen three major conferences organised by the Society and its branches: CAA3, DAA8 and 9th Indian Fisheries Forum which are detailed in the report. And also efforts are in progress to provide more information on Asian fisheries through AsiaPacific- Fishwatch. Issues related to gender are gaining importance in various discussions and starting of the Gender Aquafish is a good beginning in that direction. We are trying to bring as much information as possible to the members through the newsletter and I urge all members to share information on their research activities, research findings, upcoming conferences, training programs, etc. in their countries/institutions through the newsletter. M.V. Gupta ASIAN FISHERIES SOCIETY is now on facebook! MORE STORIES... AFS EVENTS OF 2011 3 3rd International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia 2011 (CAA3) 6 8th International Symposium on Disease in Asian Aquaculture 2011 (DAA8) 7 9th Indian Fisheries Forum (9IFF) 9ASIAPACIFIC-FISHWATCH 10 GENDER AQUAFISH 11 FREE DOWNLOADS FROM SEAFDEC AND CMFRI NEWS FROM BRANCHES 11 CHINA: Annual Meeting of China Society of Fisheries 12 TAIWAN: International Symposium on Grouper Culture 13 INDIA: Election of 10th Council (2012-2014) Planned activities for 2012-2014 EVENTS HIGHLIGHTS 14 10th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (10AFAF) 16 Aquafeed Horizons Asia & FIAAP Conference 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT 17 AFS New Executive Officer Notice of membership renewal AFS PUBLICATIONS 18 Asian Fisheries Science Journal 19 Publication for sale OTHERS 20 Membership form: New application & Renewal ASIAN FISHERIES SOCIETY | Lab. of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Bioscience, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia | Tel: +603 8947 2216| Fax: +603 8947 2217 | |
Wed 18-Jan-2012 Msg# 30 |
AsiaPacific-FishWatch: Call for Reviewers - admin Dear AFS Colleagues, CALL FOR REVIEWERS You will be aware of the Asian Fisheries Society's initiative, “AsiaPacific-FishWatch”. This online portal will give access to consumers, the general public, fish exporters and importers, fisheries managers and scientists to information on fish produced in the region and eaten locally or sold on major world markets. As part of this initiative, drafts of the biology, fisheries, processing and marketing of the four major tuna species (albacore, skipjack, yellowfin, bigeye) are being prepared by our consultant, Dr Patricia Kailola. Dr Kailola has completed a draft of one of them, albacore (Thunnus alalunga) and it is ready for review.An early draft presentation of one species (skipjack) can be viewed to give an idea of the final layout at: The Asian Fisheries Society is now seeking interest from AFS members to volunteer to review the albacore draft (and of the subsequent presentations). The AFS would also appreciate if specific information and data could be provided by researchers in (e.g.) India, Philippines and Sri Lanka, so that the final presentations can have a more ‘local' aspect. I invite you to give your support to this project, and assure you that every contribution will be fully acknowledged. Please confirm your support to me ( , and to Dr Kailola (email: Dr Kailola will provide the draft on request. Thank you. Sincerely, Derek J Staples President Asian Fisheries Society |
Wed 18-Jan-2012 Msg# 29 |
AsiaPacific-FishWatch: Call for Reviewers - admin Dear AFS Colleagues, CALL FOR REVIEWERS You will be aware of the Asian Fisheries Society's initiative, "AsiaPacific-FishWatch". This online portal will give access to consumers, the general public, fish exporters and importers, fisheries managers and scientists to information on fish produced in the region and eaten locally or sold on major world markets. As part of this initiative, drafts of the biology, fisheries, processing and marketing of the four major tuna species (albacore, skipjack, yellowfin, bigeye) are being prepared by our consultant, Dr Patricia Kailola. Dr Kailola has completed a draft of one of them, albacore (Thunnus alalunga) and it is ready for review. An early draft presentation of one species (skipjack) can be viewed to give an idea of the final layout at: The Asian Fisheries Society is now seeking interest from AFS members to volunteer to review the albacore draft (and of the subsequent presentations). The AFS would also appreciate if specific information and data could be provided by researchers in (e.g.) India, Philippines and Sri Lanka, so that the final presentations can have a more 'local' aspect. I invite you to give your support to this project, and assure you that every contribution will be fully acknowledged. Please confirm your support to me ( , and to Dr Kailola (email: Dr Kailola will provide the draft on request. Thank you. Sincerely, Derek J Staples President Asian Fisheries Society |