Asian Fisheries Society
          Addressing Fisheries Issues

          The Society uses its strength as an organized group of Asian fisheries scientists to make itself heard in the face of significant fisheries-related problems affecting the region. By actively contributing to discussions on fisheries issues throughout Asia, the Society seeks to create public awareness of the importance of sound utilization, cultivation, conservation and development of aquatic resources. The Society's policy is that its statements reflect strictly professional scientific viewpoints free from political overtones.

          The Society is actively represented by its Councilors and office bearers in international fora (e.g., the World Fisheries Congress). The papers presented in these fora form the basis of position papers to be presented by the Society on relevant concerns such as the introduction of exotic species, the fisheries education system, resources allocation, biotechnology, donor–assisted fisheries projects and women in fisheries.


          The Society and its Branches also conduct regular workshops to address important issues pertaining to fisheries in the region. The proceedings are published and have been made available free to Society members upon request.

          • The Workshop on Fish Quarantine and Fish Diseases in South and Southeast Asia (May 1986, Manila, Philippines) helped to promote research on fish diseases and to create an awareness of the importance and need for quarantine and/or certification programs to prevent the introduction of exotic fish pathogens.
          • The Workshop on the Introduction of Exotic Aquatic Species in Asia (June 1988, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia) reviewed the impact of species transfer in Asia and explored appropriate measures to minimize its adverse effects.
          • The Second Fisheries Resource Allocation Workshop (October 1990, Beijing, China) stressed the need for economic inputs and assistance from local economists in data collection and analyses. The first workshop (April 1990, Singapore) addressed the issue of fisheries resource allocation in the region and its long-term implications for government policies, fisheries and donor agencies in the fund allocations for research and development.
          • The Second Workshop on Fisheries Education and Training in Asia (October 1991, Taipei, Taiwan) focused on guidelines for the development of fisheries education curricula at various academic levels. The first workshop (May 1987, Japan) considered the issue of a standard fisheries curriculum and identified the need to upgrade fisheries education systems in the region.
          • The Fifth Asian Fish Nutrition Workshop (January 1993, Udorn Thani, Thailand) was part of a series of workshops to develop a coordinated regional fish nutrition research program in Asia. Discussions tackled current research in relation to finfish culture, and emphasized on-farm research in relation to semi-intensive culture systems, the predominant form of culture in the region. The Sixth Asian Fish Nutrition Workshop was held in May 1995 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
          • The International Symposium on Biotechnology Applications in Aquaculture (December 1994, Taipei, Taiwan) presented an overview of the state-of-the-art in selected fields of biotechnology applications in aquaculture.
          • International Seminar on Aquaculture in Asia (August 19-22, 1997, Tokyo, Japan) presented the status and future prospects of aquaculture industry in Asia.
          • The International Symposium on the Role of Women in Asian Fisheries (13 November 1998, Chiang Mai, Thailand), covered country papers highlighting on the roles and contribution of women and the complexity of gender issues in the fisheries sector.
          • The First International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia (2-6 November 1999, Tungkang, Taiwan) jointly organized with the Southeast Asian chapter of the World Aquaculture Society presented the status and future directions of cage farming in Asia. Highlights on farming in other parts of the world were also presented.
          • The Fourth Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (22-26 November 1999, Cebu, Philippines) was organized by the Society's Fish Health Section. It reviewed the status of fish and shellfish diseases and health management in Asia. The 3rd Symposium was held in Bangkok, Thailand in January 1996. The 2nd Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (October 1993, Phuket, Thailand). The 1st Symposium was held in Bali, Indonesia in November 1990.
          • Global Symposium on Women in Fisheries (29 November 2001, Kaohsiung, Taiwan) held in conjunction with the 6th Asian Fisheries Forum. Papers addressed issues not only primarily on women at the Asian level, but moved towards issues at the global level. The symposium was attended by participants from both the East and the West.
          • Global Symposium on Gender and Fisheries (1-2 December 2004, Penang Malaysia) held in conjunction with the 7th Asian Fisheries Forum. The symposium focused not only on women in fisheries but extended the discourse towards gender and fisheries. How are women and men affected by differential use and access to fisheries resources and development? How can gender inequities be effectively addressed through better research?
          • The Sixth Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (25-28 October 2005, Colombo, Sri Lanka) organized by Fish Health Section of the Asian Fisheries Society focused on strategies for improving aquatic animal health in Asia.
          • The Seventh Indian Fisheries Forum (8-12 November 2005, Banglore, India)
          • The Second International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia (3-8 July 2006, Hangzhou, China) highlighted a few major key in cage aquaculture such as recent advances and innovations, potentials, challenges and problem.
          • The Seventh Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (DAA7) (22-26 June 2008, Taipei, Taiwan) organized by Fish Health Section of the Asian Fisheries Society presented recent research findings, exchange ideas and establish new collaboration among world’s leading scientists and students working in aquatic animal health.
          • The International Symposium on Aquaculture and Fisheries Education (ISAFE) (27-30 November 2009, Bangkok, Thailand) jointly organized with Asian Institute of Technology and Shanghai Ocean University focused on information exchange among educators, policy makers and industries of recent advances of aquaculture and fisheries education in Asia and other parts of the world.
          • The 3rd International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia 2011 (CAA3) (16-19 November 2011) was jointly with the Malaysian Fisheries Society in partnership with various Government agencies. The objectives of the event is to provide updates on recent advances and trends in cage aquaculture, both within Asia and beyond, encourage networking between academia, aqua culturists and other stakeholders and seek solutions to constraints to development.
          • The Eighth Symposium on Disease in Aquaculture (DAA 8) (21-25 November 2011) was organised by Fish health Section of the Asian Fisheries Society; held at the College of Fisheries Mangalore, India.