Asian Fisheries Society
          Tenth Council (2011-2013)


          Dr. Derek STAPLES
          Fishery Consultant
          105 Beelong St
          Macleay Island QLD 4184

          Dr. Derek Staples is the past Senior Fishery Office at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, and is also the past-Secretary of the Asia Pacific Fisheries Commission. He has a PhD in fisheries ecology from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand and a post-doctoral diploma in aquaculture from the Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan. In his last position, Dr. Staples was responsible for providing technical advice on coastal and offshore fisheries for all of FAO Asian-Pacific Member countries and has been actively involved in a number of FAO projects in Asia, including fishery livelihoods in Bangladesh, fisheries information in several SE Asian countries and the multi-sectoral management in Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem.

          Prior to taking up his present post, as the Deputy Director of the Bureau of Resource Sciences (BRS), he was a senior science advisor to Ministers and policy decision makers in the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, in Australia (DAFF). Prior to this he was a scientist for many years with the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). His interests include all aspects of the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture, particularly small-scale operations in developing countries. Throughout his extensive career as a scientist and policy advisor, Derek has worked in a number of Asian countries as a consultant to FAO, World Bank and IOC/WESTPAC. One well-known example is his work as the team leader on a large multi-national project on penaeid prawns that brought to together the science and marine scientists of several SE Asian countries during the 1980s and 1990s.

          Since retirement from FAO in October 2007, Dr. Staples has been employed as a consultant for the FAO to organize and facilitate a workshop on "Managing fishing capacity and IUU fishing in Asia" in Thailand. He has also undertaken a sectoral study on the marine fisheries of India for the World Bank and is currently working on integrating fisheries into Integrated Coastal Management with a consultancy with the Partnership for Environment of the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA).

          Dr. Staples was an active member of the Asian Fisheries Society in its early years and was on the editorial board from 1986 to 1993. He participated in the first two Asian Fisheries Forums, but later lost contact with the Society due to work commitments in Australia. However, now that he has retired from FAO, he would like to commit more time and energy into improving the fisheries science in Asia and applying this science to better management of the natural resources of the region.



          Prof. Hisashi KUROKURA
          Laboratory of Global Fisheries Science
          Department of Global Agricultural Sciences
          Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
          The University of Tokyo
          1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku
          Tokyo 113-8657

          Dr. Hisashi Kurokura received his Ph.D. degree from the Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, The University of Tokyo in 1979. His thesis title was "Studies on cryopreservation of Salmonid sperm". After working for one year in a private company as an engineer for technical cooperation to developing countries, he obtained the position of Assistant Professor at the Fisheries Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo in 1980. While working there, he learned techniques in environmental and ecological field survey in addition to conducting his own research activities for reproduction technology of aquatic animals. In 1983, he transferred to the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University and continued his work as a researcher, lecturer and Associate Professor. He made wide and intimate human networks among aquaculturists and researchers of seed production of aquatic organisms in the western part of Japan. After returning to the Fisheries Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo, he studied the improvement of quality of seed for stock enhancement in addition to his on-going research activities. Through that study he made many friends in the local community of a coastal fishing town. In 1997, he shifted his position from the Department of Aquatic Biology to be a Professor at the Department of Global Agricultural Sciences, a newly established department for international cooperation for development in the agricultural field. His research interests later expanded from just the basic biology of aquatic organisms to social issues for effective technology transfer and development of local societies in developing countries, using his broad experiences and human network.



          Dr. Zuridah MERICAN

          Dr. Zuridah Merican is the Editor/Publisher for the Aqua Culture Asia Pacific Magazine since September 2004. Prior to this, she was editor of Asian Aquaculture and International Aquafeed Magazine, UK. She obtained her Ph.D. in shrimp nutrition from the National University of Singapore and M.Sc. aquaculture from Stirling University, Scotland. She was with the Malaysian Fisheries Department from 1977-1995.



          Dr. Aziz ARSHAD
          Department of Aquaculture
          Faculty of Agriculture
          Universiti Putra Malaysia
          43400 UPM, Serdang
          Selangor, MALAYSIA

          Dr Aziz Arshad is currently a Deputy Dean of Agricultural Faculty in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia. He was born in October 1959 and obtained his primary and secondary education in Perlis Malaysia. His bachelor degree is in fisheries (1983) and he graduated with a PhD in marine ecology from the University of Plymouth, United Kingdom in 1999. Presently, he is an honorary treasurer of the Asian Fisheries Society (2011-2013). In addition he is also a member of the Marine Biological Association of United Kingdom, Malaysian Fisheries Society, and Malaysian Society of Applied Biology. He has before served in several administrative posts with UPM and also served the Malaysian Fisheries Society (MFS) under the capacity of a treasurer and secretary.

          He is a researcher in the field of fisheries biology and his past and on-going research focus on the study on fish ecology and diversity as well as on the reproductive biology and feeding ecology of selected crustaceans and mollusks. To date, Dr Aziz has published 105 journal papers, 14 chapters in book, 56 papers in refereed proceedings, 44 conference abstracts, 26 technical papers, 87 conference papers and 58 consultancy reports in academic publications. He attended 124 conferences/seminars of which 44 were as international participant. In his research career, he coordinates or co-researcher in 30 research projects and involved as consultant in 45 consultancy projects. He graduated seven PhD and three Master students throughout his 28 years career with UPM. Dr Aziz has also won several awards from his participation in the research exhibition within UPM and at national level. He is also a recipient of the 2006 and 2009 University Excellent Career Service Award, and the UPM Vice Chancellor Award (Professional Services) in 2007.


          Immediate Past-President

          Prof. Ida SIASON
          CAS – Division of Social Sciences
          University of the Philippines Visayas
          Miagao, Iloilo 5023

          Prof. Ida Siason is currently Professor of Social Psychology at the Social Sciences Division, College of Arts and Sciences of the University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV), where she has just recently completed her two terms of office as its Chancellor. She served as member of the Board of Trustees of the WorldFish Center from 2004 to 2007. She is the founding president of the National Network on Women in Fisheries in the Philippines, where she now serves as a member of the Board. She is currently the Treasurer of the Asian Fisheries Society.

          Prof. Siason obtained her Masters in Psychology degree from the Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines) and her PhD in Social Psychology from the Pennsylvania State University, USA. Aside from teaching and her long experience as an academic administrator, Dr. Siason is an active social science researcher. Her research and publications have been on social analysis and women's studies, particularly research in the social psychological characterization of fishing communities, gender issues in fisheries, enforcement and compliance of fisheries regulation, community-based coastal resource management and violence against women. She has presented papers in national and international conferences in psychology and fisheries. She has spearheaded activities to promote fisheries social science in the Philippines.


          The Council Members

          Muhammad Fedi Alfiadi SONDITA
          Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences
          Bogor Agricultural University
          Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor 16680

          A senior lecturer at Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University. Main task is teaching a concept of responsible marine fisheries to students and supervising research projects conducted by postgraduates. He got his Ph.D. in Marine Ecology from James Cook University, Townsville (Australia) in 2000. His MSc in Tropical Coastal Zone Management was obtained from University of Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom) in 1990. His first degree (Sarjana) was obtained in 1986 from the department where he works now. He is interested in sustainability issues of marine fisheries and coastal zone management that include marine conservation. Beside teaching at the university, his activities include providing technical advice for training and education program of the Sea Partnership Program - Indonesia since 2003 and being the Secretary of Capture Fisheries Network since 2008. His experiences include coordinating the Learning Team of USAID-Coastal Resources Management Project (1997-2002), leading the Marginal Fishing Community Development Pilot (World Bank/Japanese Society for Fisheries Development (2005), a member of research team on managing by-catch issues from trawlers (FAO 2007), and supervising the implementation of Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project (COREMAP/World Bank, 2008-2010).

          Dr. Joebert D. TOLEDO
          SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department,
          Tigbauan, Iloilo 5021

          Dr. Joebert D. Toledo is presently leading the development of a marine finfish seed production program at Feedmix Feed Specialists Inc. in the Philippines. He was the immediate former Chief of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center/Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD) for three consecutive terms, earned his Bachelor of Science degree at the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City and completed his Masters and Doctorate degrees at Hiroshima University, Japan.

          Expertise and Experience: An accomplished aquaculture scientist, having been a consultant to various international developmental projects, conducted various fish research projects, and publishing research studies in refereed journals on seed production, particularly groupers. Duly recognized by prestigious institutions for his work, including: 1) Dr. Elvira Tan Memorial Award 2001 for Best Published Paper in Marine Fisheries; 2) Department of Agriculture’s Award for R&D 2002; 3) “Gawad Pangisdaan” Award 2004 for Outstanding Fisheries Professional; and 4) Outstanding Professional Fisheries Technologist of the Year by Philippine Professional Regulation Commission. Involved in the planning of a marine fish breeding program for the Government of India and in the technical operations of a private seabass hatchery in Vietnam. Seconded as Marine Fish Seed Production Expert to the Department of Fisheries of Brunei Darussalam. Engaged as technical or management consultant or partner by various aquaculture-related companies in the Philippines, including: RD Fish Hatchery, Santeh Feeds, Feedmix Feeds, Overseas Feeds, Jamandre Hatcheries Inc., CAHAALA Multi-Coop Fish Hatchery, Integrated Services for the Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries, among other endeavors. Also a proficient trainor, having trained many farmers and government officers throughout Southeast Asia.

          Other Professional Activities:

          Graduate thesis committee memberships:
          University of the Philippines in the Visayas – College of Fisheries

          Membership in professional organizations:
          Asian Fisheries Society
          Physiology Section, American Fisheries Society
          Philippine Aquaculture Society
          Philippine Fisheries Association
          Philippine Association of Japan Ministry of Education Scholars

          Aquaculture (Elsevier)
          Philippine Journal of Science (Dept of Science and Technology, Philippines)
          UPV Journal of Natural Sciences

          Dr. Soon Kil YI
          Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI)
          Ansan P. O. Box 29
          Seoul 425-600
          REPUBLIC of KOREA

          Dr. Soon Kil Yi is a counselor at Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI), a government affiliated institute in Korea. He has served 35 years for the development of fisheries science in Korea before his retirement from KORDI in 2010. Currently he works for marine resources development projects in domestic and overseas.

          Dr. Yi worked with scientists of Northern Territory University and Darwin Aquaculture Center, Australia (Apr. 1994 – May 1995) as a reciprocal research fellow in the field of shellfish and fish breeding. During 1996 – 1999, he served for Korea-China Joint Ocean Research Center as the director general. Dr. Yi is also contributing to educate graduate students in universities as a lecturer.

          His expertise spanning over 35 years is in: aquaculture and fisheries research and development; research planning and management in Korea and overseas; review and evaluation of research and development projects; and, capacity building among developing country scientists. During his service at KORDI he has lead more than 30 national projects which were summarized as follows:

          • Seed production technologies of shellfish and fish culture
          • Better use of waste heat from power plant in aquaculture and agriculture
          • Development of marine biological resources in South-west Pacific
          • Marine ranching
          • Development of fisheries related national policy

          Dr. Yi has published 42 papers in scientific journals, conference proceedings and books. He holds 4 national patents. Presently he is a member of the Asian Fisheries Society, Korean Fisheries Society, Korean Aquaculture Society, Korean Society of Oceanography, Korea Thermal Effluent Research Association, Korean Society of Systematic Zoology and the Korean Association for Conservation of Nature.

          Prof. Sang Duk CHOI
          Department of Aquaculture
          College of Fisheries and Ocean Science
          Chonnam National Universiti
          96-1 Dunduck-dong, Yeosu,

          Dr. Sang Duk Choi is a full professor and has been teaching and conducting research at Chonnam National University, Yeosu, Korea since 1998. He had been a research associate at National Fisheries Research Development Institute for 7 years (1992-1998).

          He obtained his Ph. D. degree from Pukyung National University, Korea in 1996. He received his BSc and MSc degrees at the Chonnam National University, Korea in 1989 and 1993, respectively. His research mainly deal with eco friendly aquaculture, ecology of marine invertebrate and marine ranching (stock assessment). He has published over 100 scientific papers in professional journals and many more in books and conference proceedings. Presently he is a member of the Asian Fisheries Society, Korean Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences and Korean Society of Oceanography.

          Prof. Jeong-Yeol LEE
          Dept. of Aquaculture & Aquatic Sciences
          Kunsan National University,
          558 Daehack-mo
          Gumsam 573-701

          Prof. M.C. Nandeesha is serving as Dean, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi, Tamilnadu, India since May, 2010. He has nearly three decades of experience in aquaculture teaching, research and development in India, Cambodia and Bangladesh. He worked for over six years as Professor of Aquaculture at the College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural University, located in the state of Tripura, India. He also worked for another decade at the College of Fisheries, University of Agricultural Sciences in Karnataka, India. He has spent nearly a decade at the grass-roots level on aquaculture projects supported by OXFAM in Cambodia and CARE in Bangladesh. He has worked with organizations like EU, FAO, World Bank, and NACA on short-term assignments and has travelled widely to different parts of the world.

          Prof. Nandeesha has a Ph.D. in Aquaculture Nutrition with several papers published in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. His contributions to the field of fish nutrition, fish reproduction, developing aquaculture technologies for small farmers, promoting farmer-led innovations in aquaculture, mainstreaming gender in aquaculture, and efforts in improving fisheries education systems are recognized and appreciated through a number of national and international awards. Some of the recognitions include: Dr. K.C. Naik award for the meritorious service to Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch (1987), Young Scientist award of the Association of Food Scientists and Technologists(1989), Nagamma Dattatrya award of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore for enhancing fish seed availability in Karnataka(1989) ; Jubilee award of the International Foundation for Science for outstanding research output in fish nutrition (2002); Gold Medal Award of Asian Fisheries Society in recognition of his contribution to the Society and mainstreaming of gender in fisheries (2007); Best Teacher award for the period 2004-2007 ; Best Research Paper award on Gender issues in Aquaculture by the Asian Fisheries Society (2007) "Sahameitrei Award" of the Government of Cambodia in recognition of his contributions to human resource development and developing sustainable small-scale aquaculture programs (2008); 2008 – Prof. H.P.C. Shetty Award of the Indian Branch of Asian Fisheries Society for the best contributions made in aquaculture.

          Prof. Nandeesha served on the Board of Directors of the World Aquaculture Society from 2006 to 2009 ( and continues to serve on the Membership and Affiliation Committees of the Society. He is currently serving as a member of the Oversight Committee for Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) of the Global Aquaculture Alliance ( He is also the Chair of Aquaculture without Frontiers (, an international NGO established by aquaculture professionals and serving in the team of Global Initiative for life and leadership through seafood. Nandeesha has been elected to serve on the Asian Fisheries society Council for a period of three years since April, 2011( He is actively involved in philanthropic work and specifically in programs that focus on improving the livelihoods of people.

          Prof. Shi-Yen SHIAU
          Department of Food & Nutrition
          Providence University
          200 Chung-chi Road
          Shalu Taichung 433
          Taiwan, ROC

          Dr. Shi-Yen Shiau is the National Endowed Chair Professor in the Department of Food Science at National Taiwan Ocean University and the Chair Professor in the Department of Food and Nutrition at Providence University in Taiwan. Dr. Shiau is internationally renowned for his research which is currently focused on the biological basis of micronutrient requirements and nutrient interactions in tilapia, grouper, and grass shrimp, and their effects on immunity. He has received numerous awards for his research and teaching. Dr. Shiau serves on the editorial boards of the international Journals "Aquaculture", "Aquaculture Nutrition" and "Aquaculture Research". He has been Editor for the journal Aquaculture Research since 2010. He is the past Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Fisheries Science journal, Journal of the Chinese Nutrition Society and Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Prof. Shiau has been a member of a number of professional societies including American Society for Nutritional Science, World Aquaculture Society, Asian Fisheries Society…etc. and served as Board Director of the World Aquaculture Society, President of the Taiwan Fisheries Society. Currently, he is the Councilor of the Asian Fisheries Society. Since 1994, 1995, Prof. Shiau has served on the International Union of Nutritional Science's Committee III/5: Nutrition and the Production of Fish and Shellfish, and the National Committee for the Pacific Science Association, respectively and since 1996, Dr. Shiau has been a scientific committee member of the International Symposium on Nutrition and Feeding of Fish. He is a member of the NRC Committee on Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp. Dr. Shiau received his B.S. in Food Science from National Taiwan Ocean University and both his M.S. and Ph.D. in Nutrition from Texas Tech University.

          Dr. Sirawut KLINBUNGA
          National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology NSTDA
          113 Paholyothin Rd. Klong 1
          Klong Luang,
          Pathumthani 12120

          Dr. Sirawut Klinbunga is a Director of Agricultural Biotechnology Research Unit, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand. He graduated a PhD degree from the University of Stirling, UK in 1996 and have joined NSTDA as a researcher since September 1996 until present. Currently, Dr. Klinbunga is a reviewer of more than 30 international journals and one of the editorial broad members of Developmental and Comparative Immunology (DCI). He has published more than 85 peer-reviewed papers in international journals and received several research awards for examples, Outstanding Technologist Award from Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology under the Patronage of His Majesty the King in 2003, Alumni Achievement Award from Burapha University, Thailand in 2003 and Taguchi Prize for Outstanding Scientist in the Field of Biotechnology from Thai Society of Biotechnology (TSB) in 2004.

          His research interests is development of molecular biomarkers to improve the culture and management efficiency of economically important marine species including shrimp, oysters, abalone, crabs and sardines. Presently, he has extended the research on genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics for better understanding on molecular mechanisms of ovarian development in the giant tiger shrimp (Penaeus mondon). Since October 2010, he was appointed as the first Director of Agricultural Biotechnology Research Unit, BIOTEC and elected to be a councilor of the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) in 2011. Dr. Klinbunga would like to share his experience to apply aquacultural biotechnology for improving better knowledge of this field in the region.

          Prof. XinZhong WU
          College of Animal Science
          Zhejiang University
          268 Kaixuan Road
          Hangzhou 310029,

          Dr. XinZhong Wu obtained Bachelor and Master Degree in Medicine in Third Military Medical University of PLA (1983) and Chongqing University of Medical Sciences (1987). He received his PhD (Marine Biology) from Zhongshan University in 1995. Visiting scientist in University of Alberta, Canada from 2007 to 2008. Associate Research Professor, Research Professor in South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) from 1996 to 2003. Presently Professor of College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University. He is a scientist of fish health field such as marine mollusc disease and mollusc and fish immunology. His present research interest focus on the immune mechanisms of mollusk models (oyster and abalone) and fish. Up to now, Dr. Wu has published more than 35 papers in international journals such as Molecular Immunology, Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Fish and Shellfish Immunology, J. of Biotechnology, J. of Invertebrate Pathology, Aquaculture, J. of Fish Diseases, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry and so on, and more than 60 papers in Chinese journals. Dr. Wu has demonstrated his originality by studying systematically the rickettsia-like organism diseases and immune-related genes of marine mollusks. For example, he reported for the first time the rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs) in cultured pearl oyster Pinctada maxima and oyster Crassostrea ariakensis, and pathology, epizoology and developmental cycle of RLO from Pinctada maxima and RLO inclusion formation in Pinctada maxima and Crassostrea ariakensis. These achievements make Dr. Wu become a founder of mollusc diseases in China and have an international reputation. Dr. Wu’s important contributions to the understanding of innate immune responses of molluscs at molecular and cellular levels lead to international attention. They originally studied the mollusk (oyster) –pathogen (RLO) interactions at molecular levels. It is tempting to infer that a MAPK/CREB pathway may exist in oyster and contribute to the immune response for RLO. Another study provides important information about the signaling pathways involved in the host defense against RLO. They revealed that CasTRAIL induced a rapid increase in the phospho-ERK and phospho-p38 levels, which indicated that the MAPK pathway was involved in CasTRAIL-mediated signaling. In addition, CasTRAIL also showed an ability of anti-RLO infection which might be through the p38-MAPK activation pathway. They originally identified a CREB homologue in the marine bivalves and demonstrated firstly that C. ariakensis CREB was regulated at the protein level, instead of mRNA level, after RLO stimulation. They originally characterized the molecular diversity of tetraspanin of oyster. The study of gastropod immunobiology have played a role in revising our general concept of invertebrate defense to pathogens including more sophisticated and diversified responses beyond the production of limited repertoires of traditional pattern recognition molecules. Dr. Wu initially carried out a series of researches on abalone innate immunity with H. diversicolor supertexta as a model animal. For example, they identified RelNF-kB(Ab-Rel), histidine triad nucleotide binding protein, Rbx1,UBE2D family, Cytidine deaminase and a Ran molecule. Dr. Wu’s works have been recognized by lots of international citations. Dr. Wu also developed the researches of innate immunity against fish disease from two kinds of marine fish, yellow grouper (Epinephelus awoara) and large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea), for example DAD1, AIF-1, RGS16, bactericidal BPI, cytochrome P450s 4F7, Cytochrome c oxidase and DP1. One of important field, he has contributed ten patents in marine diseases and human marine drugs. He is now the Councilor of Asian Fisheries Society (2011-2013), the Councilor of Federation of Asian Biotech Association (FABA) (2006-), Member of Steering Committee of the World Oyster Society (WOS) (2007-), Councilor of the China Society of Fisheries (2005-), Councilor of the Chinese Society of Oceanography (2005-), etc. He was a Vice Chairperson and Secretary General, the Second International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia (CAA2) and Chairperson, the Second International Oyster Symposium (IOS2). He was a keynote Speakers in BioAsia 2007 and IOS2. He obtained the Merit Award presented by AFS in November 2007. One of the Editor-in Chief of Proceedings Book of CAA2.

          Professor. Neil Loneragan
          Director, Centre for Fish, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem Research,
          School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology,
          Murdoch University, South St Murdoch 6150 Western Australia

          Prof Neil Loneragan is the Director of the Centre for Fish, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem Fisheries Research and hold the inaugural Chair in Fisheries Science in the School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology at Murdoch University, Western Australia. Prior to joining Murdoch University in 2005, he spent 14 years with CSIRO, based in Queensland, investigating the linkages between coastal habitats, fisheries production (particularly penaeid prawns) and biodiversity and stock enhancement across northern Australia. This included leading major interdisciplinary research teams on stock enhancement and estuaries in Australia and southeast Asia. More recently, he has been developing research in ecosystem approaches to fisheries and cetacean populations, fisheries ecology and fisheries interactions with protected, threatened, and endangered species. He has supervised research students in the areas of fisheries ecology, trophic ecology of estuarine and marine ecosystems and the biology and behaviour of crustaceans. Currently he also teaches undergraduates in Ecology, Marine and Estuarine Biology and the Sustainable Management of Fish and Wildlife populations.

          He has published over 80 papers in international journals, including major reviews of mangrove fishery linkages and stock enhancement, and lead significant, multi-disciplinary projects in fisheries ecology and prawn stock enhancement. He has published over 40 major reports for funding bodies such as the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation of Australia and the Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research. He has also been invited as a national and international reviewer of research for projects for the Australian Centre of International Agricultural Research, the University of Wageningen.

          He was the Co-convener of the 8th Indo Pacific Fish Conference (Perth, 2009) and the Chair of the International Scientific Committee for the 4th International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching (Shanghai, 2011).

          Prof. Shuo-Lin HUANG
          Shanghai Ocean University
          999 Hucheng Huan Road
          Shanghai 201306,

          Professor Huang Shuolin received his B.Sc in Engineering from Shanghai Fisheries College in 1982 and M.Sc in Economic from the London School of Economic and Political Science (LSE), University of London, United Kingdom in 1987. His research interests are fisheries policy, fisheries legislation, fisheries management, international law of fisheries and the law of the sea. He was a visiting research investigator in the Research Center For International Law, University of Cambridge, UK from September 1994 to April 1995 and was a visiting research fellow in the School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan from September 1998 to April 1999, where he gained advanced knowledge in the international law of the sea and international law of fisheries. He has more than 30 years of teaching and research experience in marine fishing and fisheries management. He was a lecturer/associate professor at Shanghai Fisheries University before 1996 and a professor since 1996. Now, he is vice president of China Society of Fisheries and vice president of Shanghai Ocean University. He is editor in Chief of Journal of Fisheries of China.