Asian Fisheries Society
          Ninth Council (2007-2011)


          Prof. Ida SIASON
          CAS – Division of Social Sciences
          University of the Philippines Visayas
          Miagao, Iloilo 5023

          Prof. Ida Siason is currently Professor of Social Psychology at the Social Sciences Division, College of Arts and Sciences of the University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV), where she has just recently completed her two terms of office as its Chancellor. She served as member of the Board of Trustees of the WorldFish Center from 2004 to 2007. She is the founding president of the National Network on Women in Fisheries in the Philippines, where she now serves as a member of the Board. She is currently the Treasurer of the Asian Fisheries Society.

          Prof. Siason obtained her Masters in Psychology degree from the Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines) and her PhD in Social Psychology from the Pennsylvania State University, USA. Aside from teaching and her long experience as an academic administrator, Dr. Siason is an active social science researcher. Her research and publications have been on social analysis and women's studies, particularly research in the social psychological characterization of fishing communities, gender issues in fisheries, enforcement and compliance of fisheries regulation, community-based coastal resource management and violence against women. She has presented papers in national and international conferences in psychology and fisheries. She has spearheaded activities to promote fisheries social science in the Philippines.


          Incoming President (Vice-President)

          Dr. Derek STAPLES
          Fishery Consultant
          105 Beelong St
          Macleay Island
          QLD 4184

          Dr. Derek Staples is the past Senior Fishery Office at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, and is also the past-Secretary of the Asia Pacific Fisheries Commission. He has a PhD in fisheries ecology from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand and a post-doctoral diploma in aquaculture from the Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan. In his last position, Dr. Staples was responsible for providing technical advice on coastal and offshore fisheriesfor all of FAO Asian-Pacific Member countries and has been actively involved in a number of FAO projects in Asia, including fishery livelihoods in Bangladesh,fisheries information in several SE Asian countries and the multi-sectoral management in Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem.

          Prior to taking up his present post, as the Deputy Director of the Bureau of Resource Sciences (BRS), he was a senior science advisor to Ministers and policy decision makers in the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, in Australia (DAFF). Prior to this he was a scientist for many years with the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). His interests include all aspects of the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture, particularly small-scale operations in developing countries. Throughout his extensive career as a scientist and policy advisor, Derek has worked in a number of Asian countries as a consultant to FAO, World Bank and IOC/WESTPAC. One well-known example is his work as the team leader on a large multi-national project on penaeid prawns that brought to together the science and marine scientists of several SE Asian countries during the 1980s and 1990s.

          Since retirement from FAO in October 2007, Dr. Staples has been employed as a consultant for the FAO to organize and facilitate a workshop on "Managing fishing capacity and IUU fishing in Asia" in Thailand. He has also undertaken a sectoral study on the marine fisheries of India for the World Bank and is currently working on integrating fisheries into Integrated Coastal Management with a consultancy with the Partnership for Environment of the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA).

          Dr. Staples was an active member of the Asian Fisheries Society in its early years and was on the editorial board from 1986 to 1993. He participated in the first two Asian Fisheries Forum, but later lost contact with the Society due to work commitments in Australia. However, now that he has retired from FAO, he would like to commit more time and energy into improving the fisheries science in Asia and applying this science to better management of the natural resources of the region.



          Prof. Roshada HASHIM
          School of Biological Sciences
          Universiti Sains Malaysia
          11800 Minden, Penang

          Prof. Roshada Hashim is a lecturer at the School of Biological Sciences and is currently the School's Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Development. Her research interest is in the field of Aquaculture specializing in Fish Nutrition and Feeding Management of commercially important local freshwater fish species. Prof. Roshada has contributed significantly to the development of freshwater fish culture in Malaysia, particularly in promoting the commercial production of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and red tilapia culture in portable canvas tanks. She has also been appointed as a consultant in the field of fish nutrition for the CARE GOLDA project in Bangladesh and in private companies and government institutions locally.



          Prof. Fatimah Md. YUSOFF
          Department of Biology
          Faculty of Science
          Universiti Putra Malaysia
          43400 UPM, Serdang

          Prof. Fatimah is the Director of the Institute of Bioscience, Universiti Putra Malaysia and a lecturer in the Department of Biology at the same university. With 27 years of teaching and research experience in the field of aquatic ecology, she is an expert in tropical aquatic ecosystem management. Her research mainly deals with ecological studies of different aquatic ecosystems such as reservoirs, lakes, coastal waters and aquaculture systems, especially in the fields of bioremediation and bio-augmentation to increase aquatic production in a sustainable manner. Her work on the culture of different zooplankton/micro-algal species, and water quality management in aquaculture systems has led to various discoveries to upgrade live-feed and improve water quality in the aquaculture industry. Prof. Fatimah is also a consultant to various environmental and aquaculture related companies. She has earned several awards at national and international levels including a Gold Medal at the International Trade Fair Ideas and Inventions-New Products (IENA) 2006, Germany.


          Immediate Past-President

          Dr. Chan-Lui LEE
          Unit 1302, Nova Apartments
          225 Elizabeth Street
          Melbourne, Victoria 3000

          Dr. Chan-Lui Lee has been involved in aquaculture research, development and teaching for more than 35 years. During this period, he has worked in Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Pacific. He retired from active research work at the end of 2007.

          Dr Lee was an Adjunct Professor at the RMIT University, Melbourne, a Senior Principal Scientist, Aquaculture & Development with the Fisheries Department, Western Australia and a Senior Lecturer at the Charles Darwin University, Australia. He was the Scientific Officer in Charge at the Tropical Fish Culture Research Station, Malaysia.

          Dr Lee has worked as the Project Coordinator of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) funded Trochus Project from 1995 to 2007 involving Australia, Indonesia and the Pacific countries, the Editor of the SPC Trochus Bulletin, a Councilor and the immediate past president of the Asian Fisheries Society. He has served as a Member of the Advisory Panel for the World Fish – ACIAR Sea cucumber project, was a member of the Aquaculture Advisory Group to the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Victoria, Australia and has worked as an academic advisor/aquaculture specialist to the Asian Development Bank funded Marine Science Education Project in Indonesia.

          Dr. Lee has specialist expertise in aquaculture planning/management, the development of strategic policy for aquaculture R & D and the development of indigenous aquaculture in Australia. He was the architect responsible for the development of the National indigenous Aquaculture Development Strategy for Australia and the author of the proposal for the aquaculture of the Southern Bluefin tuna in Australia.

          His contribution to the aquaculture industry was recognized with the award of Ahli Mangku Negara (AMN) by the King of Malaysia, an Outstanding Service Award: Community and Industry from the Minister of Fisheries, Western Australia and the Honorary Life Member Award, Asian Fisheries Society.


          The Council Members

          Dr. Subbanna AYYAPPAN
          Deputy Director General (Fisheries)
          Indian Council of Agricultural Research
          Room 309, Krishi Anusandhan bhawan-II
          Pusa, New Delhi 110-012

          Dr. S. Ayyappan, Deputy Director General (Fisheries), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan – II, Pusa, New Delhi – 110 012, India, is a Fisheries Scientist with about 20 years of experience in research, teaching and research management. He is a Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India; Society of Nature Conservators, India; Bioved Society, India; Inland Fisheries Society of India; Fellow of Zoological Society of India; Association of Aquaculturists; Fellow of National Institute of Ecology; Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology; Academy of Environmental Biology; Society of Biosciences; ISEP Science Academy. He is a Recipient of Zahoor Qasim Gold Medal, 1996-1997 of Society of Biosciences, India; Recipient of Zoological Society of India Gold Medal, 1998; Recipient of Dr. V.G. Jhingran Gold medal, 2002; Prof. H.P.C. Shetty Award for Excellence in Fisheries Research and Development, Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch, 2002; Recognition Award (Animal Sciences) for 2001-2002 of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India; Dr. S.R. Bhargava Medal, 2003; Dr. S.L. Hora Gold Medal, 2003; Recipient of Special ICAR Award, 1997; ICAR Award for Team Research for 1997-98 as the Team leader for significant contributions in fisheries.

          Dr Ayyappan has been the Director of AQUACULTURE MIRCEN (Microbiological Resource Centre) of UNESCO; Expert consultant on FAO/NACA Mission on Rural aquaculture to India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam and China; Expert Consultant on UNOPS Mission for IFAD-funded Aquaculture Development Project in Bangladesh; Recipient of plaque of honour from the NAAS and Oriental Science Academy, Bhopal; Member of the Board of Trustees of the World Fish Centre (International Centre of Living Aquatic Resources Management), Penang, Malaysia; Program Chair, WorldFish Centre, Penang, Malaysia; Member of Governing Council of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA), Bangkok, Thailand; Chairman of the Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch, 2002-2005; and is also the President (Elect), Association of Microbiologists of India, 2008. He is a member of several national and international technical committees and has chaired scientific sessions.

          With official overseas visits to Australia, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Norway, Philippines, Russia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United States of America and Vietnam, Dr Ayyappan is a member of several scientific societies. His research publications include 102 papers in journals, 89 papers in proceedings of seminars/symposia, 30 book chapters and reviews, 18 books/bulletins and other publications.


          Prof. Jae-Yoon JO
          Department of Aquaculture
          Pukyong National University
          Busan 608-737

          Dr. Jae-Yoon Jo is a full professor and has been teaching and conducting research at Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea since 1990. He had been a professor at Cheju National University for 12 years (1978 – 1990). He served as the Dean of the College of Fisheries Sciences in Pukyong National University for 2 years (2000-2002). He also served as the President of the Korean Aquaculture Society from 2002 to 2004 and as an Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Korean Aquaculture Society for 4 years (1991-1994). He is now the elected President of the Korean Fisheries Society for a one year term (2007 – 2008).

          He obtained his PhD degree from Auburn University, Alabama in 1988. He received his BSc and MSc degrees at the National Fisheries University of Pusan, Busan, Korea in 1972 and 1974, respectively.

          His major current research focus is on the environmentally friendly intensive aquaculture system especially for developing highly intensive but simple and stable recirculating aquaculture systems. Pumps are the only moving part of the system. Fish farmers can easily maintain 100 – 150 kg of tilapia, common carp or other freshwater fish per cubic meter of tank water volume. He is also interested in the treatment of aquaculture effluent from fish farms. He recently finished a 3-year government project on the effluent treatment from semi-recirculating system for rainbow trout.

          He has published over 80 scientific papers in professional journals and many more in books, conference proceedings, and the like.

          Awards/ Honors received:

          • Fulbright Scholarship for Doctoral Degree Program in the USA
          • Distinguished Service Award: Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City
          • Outstanding Soldier Award: Chief Officer of Military Police, Korean Army
          • Honorary member, Gamma Sigma Delta


          Prof. Hisashi KUROKURA
          Laboratory of Global Fisheries Science
          Department of Global Agricultural Sciences
          Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
          The University of Tokyo
          1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku
          Tokyo 113-8657

          Dr. Hisashi Kurokura received his Ph.D. degree from the Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, The University of Tokyo in 1979. His thesis title was “Studies on cryopreservation of Salmonid sperm”. After working for one year in a private company as an engineer for technical cooperation to developing countries, he obtained the position of Assistant Professor at the Fisheries Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo in 1980. While working there, he learned techniques in environmental and ecological field survey in addition to conducting his own research activities for reproduction technology of aquatic animals. In 1983, he transferred to the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University and continued his work as a researcher, lecturer and Associate Professor. He made wide and intimate human networks among aquaculturists and researchers of seed production of aquatic organisms in the western part of Japan. After returning to the Fisheries Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo, he studied the improvement of quality of seed for stock enhancement in addition to his on-going research activities. Through that study he made many friends in the local community of a coastal fishing town. In 1997, he shifted his position from the Department of Aquatic Biology to be a Professor at the Department of Global Agricultural Sciences, a newly established department for international cooperation for development in the agricultural field. His research interests later expanded from just the basic biology of aquatic organisms to social issues for effective technology transfer and development of local societies in developing countries, using his broad experiences and human network.


          Prof. Mohan Joseph MODAYIL
          Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board
          ICAR, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan 1
          PUSA, New Delhi 110 012

          Prof. Mohan Joseph Modayil has been the Director of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, (ICAR, Govt. of India) since 2000. Prior to this, he was a Professor and University Head of Department at the College of Fisheries, Mangalore under the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. He has been a teacher and researcher for more than 30 years and a research manager and administrator for 7 years. His research and development work cover a wide area from basic coastal underwater ecology to biology, reproductive strategies, population dynamics, small scale mariculture, post harvest losses in traditional sector to participatory management of coastal marine resources. He has coordinated international projects supported by IDRC Canada and DFID, United Kingdom. While in the CMFRI, he was instrumental in the massive modernization and upgrading of research facilities in the headquarters and 10 research centres, which include a full fledged marine fish hatchery, state of the art computerized library, marine biodiversity referral museum, modern laboratories, Agricultural Technology Information Centre, Marine Aquarium Complex, Conference facilities, Auditorium and National Marine Fish Seed Facility. During his tenure, he attracted external funding to the Institute worth over Rs.150 million and consultancies for over Rs. 36 million.

          He has served as consultant to ODA, DFID of the British Government and IDRC of the Canadian Government in Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and West Indies, and for IFRTO in Iran. He has visited over 20 countries in many capacities. He has published more than 100 scientific articles in national and international journals and edited 12 books/special publications. He is also a contributing author to two international books and a referee to over a dozen scientific journals.

          He also served as Chairman / Member of many committees of the Government of India such as the National CRZ Authority, XI Plan Subgroup Marine Fisheries of Planning Commission, Govt. of India Exotic Species Committee, National Biodiversity Authority, Ministry of Agriculture Monsoonal Trawl Ban Committee, and a Convener during the 8th Asian Fisheries Forum, Kochi in November 2007.


          Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh PHUONG
          College of Aquaculture & Fisheries
          Can Tho University
          Cantho City

          Prof. Nguyen Thanh Phuong obtained his BSc and MSc degrees in Aquaculture in 1986 and 1992 from the Faculty of Fisheries, Can Tho University, Viet Nam and the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, respectively. His degree in Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (specializing in Aquaculture) was obtained in 1998 from the Institut Nationale Polytechnique de Toulouse, France.

          Since 2004 he has been the Dean of the College of Aquaculture and Fisheries at Cantho University. Prior to that, from 2002 to 2004 he was the Vice Dean of the same college, and from 1998 to 2002, he was the Vice Director of the Aquaculture and Fisheries Sciences Institute of the College of Agriculture, Can Tho University. Other earlier posts held at the same university but at the Department of Marine Aquaculture include being the Head of the Department (1997-1998) and Lecturer (1986-1997).

          Assoc. Prof. Phuong is a member of the Asian Fisheries Society and the Viet Name Fisheries Society, wherein he was a former member of the national executive board. He has coordinated more than 10 international projects (various scales) and more than 15 projects in Vietnam (including ministerial, province and national levels). He has authored and co-authored more than 50 papers in international and Vietnamese journals.


          Prof. Somkiat PIYATIRATITIVORAKUL
          Department of Marine Science
          Faculty of Science
          Chulalongkorn University
          Bangkok 10330

          Prof. Somkiat Piyatiratitivorakul obtained his Bachelor and Masters degrees in Marine Biology from Chulalongkorn University in 1976 and 1979, respectively, and his PhD degree in Biology from the University of South Carolina in 1987. His research interests are on aquaculture, aquatic physiology and nutrition, ecology and water quality. He is a member of the Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society, University of South Carolina) and the Asian Fisheries Society.

          Prof. Somkiat started working as a Fishery Biologist at the Phuket Marine Fishery Station (1978-1979) and the Marine Exploration Division, Samutprakarn (1979-1980), both under the Department of Fisheries, Thailand. He later moved to be a lecturer (1980-1983) then Assistant Professor (1983-1996) and Associate Professor (1996 to date) at the Department of Marine Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He was Deputy Director of the university’s Aquatic Resources Research Institute from 1991 to 1999, and the Environmental Research Institute from 2002 to 2003. He is currently the Director of the Center of Excellence for Marine Biotechnology of the Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University.

          His job training and experiences include the following: Environmental Study for Developing Countries (Worcester, USA, 1985), Shrimp recruitment project, WESTPAC (Australia, 1987), Fish cage culture (Kinki University, Japan, 1988), Larval culture and nutrition (ARC BELGIUM, 1991), Fish oil workshop (Indonesia, 1992), Water pollution and toxic sensitivity study tour (Stockholm, 1993), JSPS Scientific exchange program (ORI, Japan, 1994) and Research exchange program (Univ. Ryukyus, JAPAN, 1998).


          Prof. Shi-Yen SHIAU
          Department of Food & Nutrition
          Providence University
          200 Chung-chi Road
          Shalu Taichung 433
          Taiwan, ROC

          Dr. Shi-Yen Shiau is National Endowed Chair Professor in fish nutrition at the Department of Food & Nutrition, Providence University and the Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University. He graduated with a Ph.D. degree in Animal Nutrition at the Texas Tech University and spent three years in postdoctoral research at the Department of Nutritional Science, University of California at Berkeley. Since returning to Taiwan in 1983, Professor Shiau has been an active researcher, published over 130 refereed international journal papers along with several book chapters and has received numerous awards for outstanding research. His current research interests include: biological basis of micro-nutrient requirements and nutrient interactions in tilapia, grouper and grass shrimp and their effects on immunity. Prof. Shiau has been a member of a number of professional societies including American Society for Nutritional Science, World Aquaculture Society, Asian Fisheries Society…etc. and served as Board Director of the World Aquaculture Society, President of the Taiwan Fisheries Society. Currently, he is the Councilor of the Asian Fisheries Society. Shi-Yen also serves on the editorial boards of the international Journals "Aquaculture", "Aquaculture Nutrition" and "Aquaculture Research" as well as Editor-in-Chief of "Asian Fisheries Science". Since 1994, 1995, Professor Shiau has served on the International Union of Nutritional Science Committee on Fish & Shellfish Nutrition, and the National Committee for the Pacific Science Association, respectively and since 1996, Dr. Shiau has been a scientific committee member of the International Symposium on Nutrition and Feeding of Fish. Shi-Yen has supervised more than 80 graduate students with either Master or PhD degrees.


          Prof. Peter WALKER
          CSIRO Livestock Industries
          5 Portarlington Road
          Geelong Victoria 3220

          Prof. Peter Walker is a Senior Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) in Geelong, Victoria and Adjunct Professor in the Centre for Marine Studies, The University of Queensland. Prof. Walker completed his BSc (1975) and MSc Qual (1977) at the University of Queensland in biochemistry and microbiology. He completed his PhD in virology at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research in 1981.

          Prof. Walker has worked on a wide range of human and animal diseases and, since 1996, has focused on the management of risks posed by disease to the aquaculture industry and wild fisheries. He works closely with Australian governments, the Australian aquaculture industry and collaborators in Asia to develop and assist the implementation of more effective diagnostic methods and control strategies for aquatic animal diseases and particularly the viral pathogens that menace the prawn aquaculture industry. The work of Prof. Walker’s research team has resulted in the identification and characterization of several new prawn viruses from Australia and Asia and the development, application and commercialization of an array of highly sensitive diagnostic kits. This knowledge and technology has been applied to underpin the development of domesticated stocks of Australian prawns, opening the way for genetic improvement through selective breeding. He has also been responsible for the development of strategies to improve the reliability of PCR screen of prawn viruses including the application of inter-laboratory calibrations in India and Indonesia.

          Prof. Walker has served as Secretary-Treasurer of the Fish Health Section of the Asian Fisheries Society (2002-2005). He was Chair of the International Program Committee and Member, Organizing Committee, 5th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (Gold coast 2002), and an editor of the conference proceedings (Diseases in Asian Aquaculture V) published by the AFS. He has also been a member of the International Program Committee for the 6th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (Colombo, 2005) and the 7th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (Taipei, 2008).

          He is author of more than 90 research publications in refereed scientific journals and edited books. He serves on the editorial boards of several international journals including Reviews in Aquaculture, Archives of Virology and Virus Genes, and is an Associate Editor of the Encyclopedia of Virology. He is a regular consultant to inter-government agencies (FAO, NACA, OIE) on aquaculture health management in Asia and Latin America. He is Director of the OIE Reference Centre for Yellow Head Disease and has served as a member of a wide range of national and international committees including:

          • Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee, Office of the Gene Technology Regulator
          • OIE ad hoc Committee on Crustacean Diseases
          • Management Advisory Committee, Cooperative Research Centre for Aquaculture
          • International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses.


          Dr. Soon Kil YI
          Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI)
          Ansan P. O. Box 29
          Seoul 425-600
          REPUBLIC of KOREA

          Dr. Soon Kil Yi has been recruited by Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, a government affiliated institute, and has served for the development of fisheries science since 1976. He has been promoted as a principal research scientist in 1987. Currently he leads ‘Resources Enhancement Research Group’ of Korean Marine Ranching Project.

          Dr. Yi worked with scientists of Northern Territory University and Darwin Aquaculture Center, Australia (Apr. 1994 – May 1995) as a reciprocal research fellow in the field of shellfish and fish breeding. During 1996 – 1999, he served for Korea-China Joint Ocean Research Center as the director general. Dr. Yi is also contributing to educate graduate students in universities as a lecturer.

          His expertise spanning over 30 years is in: aquaculture and fisheries research and development; research planning and management in Korea and overseas; review and evaluation of research and development projects; and, capacity building among developing country scientists. During his service at KORDI he lead more than 30 national projects which were summarized as follows:

          • Seed production technologies of shellfish and fish culture
          • Better use of waste heat from power plant in aquaculture and agriculture
          • Development of marine biological resources in South-west Pacific
          • Marine ranching
          • Development of fisheries related national policy

          Dr. Yi has published 41 papers in scientific journals, conference proceedings and books. He holds 4 national patents. Presently he is a member of the Asian Fisheries Society, Korean Fisheries Society, Korean Aquaculture Society, Korean Society of Oceanography, Korea Thermal Effluent Research Association, Korean Society of Systematic Zoology and the Korean Association for Conservation of Nature.


          Prof. Yingqi ZHOU
          Shanghai Fisheries University
          334 Jungong Road
          Shanghai 200090

          Professor Yingqi Zhou is the director of the Fishery Development Strategy Study Centre of China in SFU and the Director of Sub-Steering Committee of Higher Education for Fishery Science, Ministry of Education of China. As a professor, he conducts research and teaches courses related to the fishing gear selectivity and fish behaviour, and has published over 60 papers and 10 textbooks and conference proceedings.

          He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Fisheries of China, Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University, Fisheries Research (ELSEVIER) and Environment Biology of Fish (Springer). He was also a Councilor Member of the 7th and 8th Councils of Asia Fisheries Society. He used to be the president of SFU, former chairman of Shanghai Fisheries Society, former deputy director of China Society of Fisheries, and former deputy director of the Shanghai Society of Fisheries Economics.