Asian Fisheries Society
          Thirteenth Council (2019-2022)


          Prof. Alice Joan G. Ferrer, PhD
          Division of Social Sciences
          University of the Philippines Visayas
          Miagao, Iloilo,

          Dr. Alice Joan G. Ferrer is a Professor and a Scientist from the Division of Social Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas. She has completed local and international research projects covering a wide range of areas such as Fisheries Social Science, Fisheries Management, Mariculture, Fishery Governance, Health Policy Analysis, Environmental Policy Analysis, Peace and Conflict, Gender and Sexuality, among others. She has a number of articles published in journal indexed in WoS and Scopus and authored chapters in book of international circulation and a book on disused area reversion to mangrove forest. She has received various awards for teaching, conducting research, and conducting public service. Dr. Ferrer also holds important positions in local and international organizations. She is also the Coordinator of the Asian Fisheries Social Science Research Network (2016 to present), Constitution Coordinator of Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section of AFS (2017 to present), National Deputy Director of the Economy and Environment Group Philippines (2015 to present), and the Executive Director of the Western Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium of the DOST-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (2011 to present). Dr. Ferrer earned her BA Economics-Psychology from University of the Philippines Visayas and her Masters and PhD (Economics) degrees from the School of Economics, University of the Philippines.


          Immediate Past-President

          Dr. Joykrushna JENA
          Deputy Director General (Fisheries Science)
          Indian Council of Agricultural Research
          Fisheries Science Division
          Room No.309,Krishi anusandhan Bhavan-11, New Delhi-110012.

          Dr J. K. Jena, with 27 years of research experience in different fields of freshwater aquaculture and conservation genetics, at present is holding the position of Deputy Director General (Fisheries Science) at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India. Prior to this, he served as the Director of the ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow, India for over five years. Working in different aspects of freshwater aquaculture at the ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, India during his initial career in different capacities, including as National Fellow and Head of the Division, Dr. Jena has contributed to the development of several technologies and research findings, including breeding, seed production and farming of diversified carp species; multiple cropping of carps; intensive carp culture; treatment of domestic sewage through aquaculture; cryopreservation of fish milt; and applied nutrition. He has operated over 20 research projects, including 10 externally-funded projects as Principal Investigator. As National Coordinator, presently he has been operating the National Aquatic Animal Disease Surveillance Programme in India with involvement of over 25 partner organizations since last 7 years. Dr. Jena has published over 185 research papers in national and international journals, besides publication of 5 books, 25 book chapters, 7 review papers, 65 popular articles and over 150 Research Abstracts. He has been conferred with several awards and recognition, including Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Award of ICAR; ICAR Award for the Team Research; Special One-time Award by ICAR; Prof. H.P.C. Shetty Award for Excellence in Fisheries Research by AFSIB; Pillay Aquaculture Award of the Pillay Aquaculture Foundation and several others. He has also been conferred with several Fellowships by different Scientific Societies including Fellowship of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India. Presently he holds the position of the Chairman of the Asian Fisheries Society Indian Branch; Immediate Past President of the Asian Fisheries Society and the Secretary, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India. Further, he has been serving as the Chairman/Member of different national level committees.


          Vice President

          Prof. Dr. Han-Ching WANG
          National Cheng Kung University
          No. 1, University Road
          Taiwan 701

          From the first year of her Master's degree in 2000 to completion of her PhD at National Taiwan University in early 2007, Dr. Wang's research work has emphasized the use of proteomics and structural biology to study pathogenesis of a large, novel, dsDNA shrimp virus called white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). In early 2007, she transferred to the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, where she switched her research field to shrimp immunity, using animal models and transcriptomics. In 2008, she became the youngest member of the faculty at National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan and established her own lab, the Lab of Translational Aquabiology (TLAB). Dr. Wang's motivation is that whereas shrimp aquaculture is one of the most important economic activities in East Asia, it is severely threatened by pathogenic diseases, including those caused by viruses (e.g. white spot disease; WSD) and bacteria, in particular, acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND). She uses an integrated systems-biology approach including metabolomics and lipodomics to study pathogenesis of WSD and AHPND. She also discovered Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam), the first antibody-like molecule identified in shrimp, and she has a goal of using a science-based approach to optimize potential shrimp vaccine strategies. She believes that this is very important, both for science and also for the shrimp aquaculture industry.

          Currently, Dr. Wang is an editorial broad member of two well-regarded scientific journals, Developmental and Comparative Immunology (DCI) and Fish and Shellfish Immunology. She also serves as one of 5 board members of International Society of Fish and Shellfish Immunology. She is chair of the Nimaviridae Study Group of International Committee for the Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) since 2012 and an observer on the Executive Committee of the Fish Health Section (FHS), Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) Executive Committee since 2014.



          Associate Professor Dr. Murni Marlina Abd Karim

          Department of Aquaculture
          Faculty of Agriculture
          Universiti Putra Malaysia
          43400 UPM, Serdang,
          Selangor, MALAYSIA

          Murni Marlina Abd Karim is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). She obtained her first degree in Microbiology and Master in Aquatic Biotechnology from UPM. In December 2012, she came back from United States with PhD in Environmental Science majoring in Aquatic Pathology awarded by the University of Rhode Island, United States. She is also a CEO@Faculty fellow under CEO@Faculty Programme which has been appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. Under the programme, she is attached with the Chairman of Agrobank, Malaysia.

          She specializes in fish and shellfish disease and her research interest include; discovering disease control tools and prevention strategies through development of probiotics, understanding the host-microbial interaction and management of waste using beneficial microbes.

          Being a researcher, she has published numerous journal articles and proceedings, attended international and national conferences, seminars and workshops and involved in consultation projects. With 7 years of working experience, she has 3 PhD and 4 Master students graduated under her supervision. She is currently supervising 3 PhD and 3 Master students as a principal supervisor and co-supervising 13 postgraduate students.



          Dr. Nur Leena WONG W.S.
          Department of Aquaculture
          Faculty of Agriculture
          Universiti Putra Malaysia
          43400 UPM, Serdang
          Selangor, MALAYSIA

          Dr. Leena Wong is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), and an associate researcher at the International Institute of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences (I-AQUAS), UPM. She obtained her Bachelor degree (Environmental Biology) from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and later graduated with a Master degree in Marine Science from the same university. She later pursued her PhD in UPM and received her degree in Marine Ecology and Biodiversity with her research focus in bivalve ecology and aquaculture. Her research area including marine ecology and biodiversity, aquaculture (specifically on mollusc culture), and she has a keen interest in mollusc taxonomy. She has been actively participating in research collaborations with industry partners in larviculture, and was appointed as PI since 2015 for a 5-years coastal monitoring project overseeing the ecological status of benthic invertebrate affected by anthropogenic stresses.


          The Council Members

          Prof. Atsushi HAGIWARA
          Laboratory of Aquaculture Biology
          Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences
          Institute of Integrated Science and Technology, Nagasaki University
          Bunkyo 1-14, Nagasaki 852-8521

          Professor Atsushi Hagiwara received his doctoral degree in 1986 from The University of Tokyo, and conducted postdoctoral research in Finfish Program at the Oceanic Institute, Hawaii. He joined the faculty at the Nagasaki University in 1988, and is currently the Dean of the Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences. He also serves as a Director of Japanese Fisheries Society, as a Councilor of Japanese Society of Aquaculture Research, as a member of Science Council of Japan, as a member of The Agricultural Academy of Japan, and as an Adviser of the Aquaculture Network (NPO, Japan). Professor Hagiwara's past experience includes having served as a President of Japanese Society for Aquaculture Research (2012-2015), a Program Officer of the Research Center for Science Systems at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2010-2012). His research interests include; ecology and physiology of zooplankton, behavioral zoology, larviculture of marine fish, and aquatic toxicology. His laboratory team is currently investigating the behavioral, physiological and molecular responses of rotifers, Artemia, cladocerans, copepods and fish larvae to environmental factors including anthropogenic stress. He has been active to build an international research network, as well as with regional technology transfer both in Japan and abroad. He has published over 250 scholarly articles and book chapters, and has edited a book "Live Food in Aquaculture" published by Springer in 1997, and "Rotifers: Aquaculture, Ecology, Gerontology, and Ecophysiology" published by Springer in 2017. He was awarded The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science Award in 2016, and Japan Prize of Agricultural Science and Yomiuri Prize of Agricultural Science in 2018.

          Dr. Achamveetil GOPALAKRISHNAN
          Director, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR-CMFRI)
          (ICAR, DARE, Govt. of India)
          P.B. No 1603, Kochi – 682 018, Kerala, INDIA.

          Education & Advanced Training: Educated in Maharaja's College, Ernakulam; M.Sc. (Zoology) 1984; Ph.D. (Mariculture) 1991 (Cochin University of Science & Technology & Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi). Undergone advanced training on Molecular Population Genetics of fish in Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane & Griffith University, Australia. Also undergone Training on Senior Executive Development Programme (SEDP), Executive Development Programme (EDP) on Leadership Development and Management Development Programme (MDP) on Leadership Development from leading management institutions in India.

          Present Position: Director, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR-CMFRI), Kochi – 682 018, Kerala, under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR, DARE, Govt. of India); Managing Editor, Indian Journal of Fisheries; Member, Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences; Vice Chairman, Asian Fisheries Society – Indian Branch. He is also a Fellowship of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (FNAAS), New Delhi, President & Life Member – Marine Biological Association of India (MBAI) Kochi, India; Life Member – Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation Society (ABCS), Lucknow, India; He is Chairman, Committee for framing a National Mariculture Policy for Govt. of India by the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), Hyderabad, India. Formerly he was Principal Scientist & Officer-in-Charge, National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR) Kochi Regional Centre, Kochi, Kerala.

          Important contributions: 28 years of experience in Fish Population/Conservation Genetics and management; DNA Barcoding; Milt cryopreservation; Fish Reproduction; (i) Distinct genetic stocks of 20 commercially important fish species identified, indicating stocks of these species require separate management strategies (ii) 140 Microsatellites (STRs) and species-specific DNA markers developed in 23 finfish and shellfish species (iii) DNA Barcodes developed for 111 elasmobranchs and 356 teleosts from marine and freshwater ecosystem (iv) Technique for forensic identification of meat of endangered whale shark and dugong was developed using species-specific DNA markers (v) Milt cryopreservation and captive breeding protocols developed for six threatened fish species (vi) Seven fish cell lines developed that will be of use in viral studies (vii) Significantly contributed in formulating the National Mariculture Policy for Government of India (2019); National Blue Economy and Sustainable Development Policy, Fisheries, Aquaculture & Fish Processing – for the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India, Govt. of India (2019); National Policy on Marine Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India (2017); Fisheries and Aquaculture Insurance Policy for NITI Aayog Govt. of India (2016); Green Certification Guidelines of Native Freshwater Ornamental Fishes; and Guidance on National Plan of Action (NPOA) on Elasmobranchs; (viii) Whole mtDNA sequence of two ornamental fish species (Sahyadria chalakkudiensis & S. denisonii); two sardine species (Sardinella longiceps & S. gibbosa) and a brackishwater food fish (Etroplus suratensis) from Indian waters generated (ix) Described new species of mackerel, Scomber indicus from Eastern Arabian Sea based on morphological, meristic and molecular taxonomic studies; a new species of copepod Apocyclops cmfri from Arabian Sea; Revalidated the status of mahseer Tor malabaricus (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) from southern Western Ghats, India; Developed protocol for species identification of nine species of groupers from Indian waters, based on the pyloric caeca number, pattern and colouration.

          Published 142 Papers in peer reviewed journals; Authored and edited – 18 books; uploaded 2102 DNA sequences in NCBI; guided Ph.D. 14 students.

          Prof. Ann FLEMING
          Research Program Manager, Fisheries.
          Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
          GPO Box 1571, Canberra ACT 2601

          Prof Ann Fleming has a PhD in Aquaculture from the University of Melbourne, a BSc (Hons) from Monash and a Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management from Flinders University. She is currently undertaking a Masters of International Development at RMIT University. Dr Fleming is currently the Fisheries Program Manager at the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. She manages a portfolio of about 30 research projects on aquaculture and fisheries livelihood development in the SE Asian and Pacific region. These projects include technically-focused production research as well as long-term, integrated research programs to tackle some of the complex challenges facing fisheries and aquaculture livelihoods in developing countries. From 2009-2014 Dr Fleming was Manager of Aquaculture in the Northern Territory government, and for the 10 years prior she was Assistant Leader and then Leader of the Abalone Aquaculture Program for the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation.

          Dr. Wilfredo CAMPOS
          Faculty of Biological Sciences
          University of the Philippines Visayas
          Miagao, Iloilo,

          Wilfredo L. Campos is a marine biologist with interests in biological oceanography, coastal ecology, fisheries biology, marine protected areas and fisheries management. He holds an MS in Marine Biology from the Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science of the University of Miami (1985) and a Doctor of Natural Sciences in Marine Biology from the University of Hamburg (1996). He has authored 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals, conducted over 50 researches in various aspects of marine biology and fisheries and served in committees of over 50 MS and PhD graduates. He is currently a Professor at the Division of Biological Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences of the University of the Philippines Visayas which he joined in 1996, and heads the UPV OceanBio Lab.

          Prof. Neil LONERAGAN
          Professor of Marine Ecology and Conservation, Environmental and Conservation Sciences
          Murdoch University, South St. Murdoch 6150,
          Western AUSTRALIA 

          Prof Neil Loneragan was the inaugural Chair of Fisheries Science at Murdoch University, Director of the Centre for Fish and Fisheries Research (2005-12) and also Leader of the Environmental and Conservation Sciences (2012-16). Prior to this, his research with CSIRO investigated the linkages between coastal habitats, fisheries production (particularly penaeid prawns) and biodiversity and stock enhancement across northern Australia. Currently, he is researching interactions of fisheries with species of conservation significance, stock enhancement and data-limited fisheries in south-western Australia and Indonesia. He supervises research students in the areas of fisheries ecology, trophic ecology of estuarine and marine systems and fisheries assessment and teaches undergraduates in Ecology, Marine and Estuarine Biology and Fish and Wildlife populations. He has published extensively, been an invited member of Scientific Panels for International Research Programs, has co-convened three international conferences and chairs the Board of Murdoch's Asia Research Centre at Murdoch.

          Prof. Hong-Thih LAI
          Department of Aquatic Biosciences
          National Chiayi University
          300 University Road Chiayi

          Dr. Hong-Thih Lai is professor of the Department of Aquatic Biosciences, National Chiayi University (NCYU), Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. in Agriculture in 1999 and M.S. in Fisheries Science in 1987 from the National Taiwan Ocean University. His research interests are major in water and sediment of management in aquaculture, pharmaceutical residues in aquatic environment, aquatic toxicology, and restoration of endangered freshwater fish. He is the vice chairman of The Asian Fisheries Society Taiwan Branch, and board director of the Taiwan Society for Microbial Ecology (TSEM). He was scientific commissioner of Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering and secretary general of TSME. Dr. Lai has published over 50 research papers in national and international journals. In addition to his academic duties, he has served as the Chair of the Department of Aquatic Biosciences in NCYU from 2015 to 2017.

          Prof. Dr.Liping LIU
          Director, Department of Aquaculture Technology& Engineering
          College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University
          No.999 Hucheng Huan Road, Lingang City, Shanghai,

          Dr. Liping LIU is professor at College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, China, with about 20 years of experience on aquaculture. He has been an active researcher on international cooperation with over 20 partner institutes and NGOs in Asia, EU, USA and Africa. Dr. Liu was a member of Executive Advisory Council of APC World Aquaculture Society, and associate editor of Frontiers in Marine Science. He also acts as member of external Program Advisory Council for the AquaFish Innovation Lab funded by USAID. His major research interests are interaction of aquaculture and environment, and fish reproduction physiology. He has published over 70 articles and worked in aquaculture education for over 10 years. He has recently coordinated research projects between the Shanghai Ocean University and a range of partners in UK, South and Southeast Asia, with both EU FP7 and NSFC funding. Currently, he is PI for the project “China-ASEAN Joint Center for Research and Promotion of Marine Aquaculture Technology” which is funded by the China-ASEAN Marinetime Silk Road Fund on behalf of Shanghai Ocean University.

          Prof. Jin-Long YANG
          Shanghai Ocean University
          No. 999 Hucheng Huan Road
          Shanghai 201306

          Dr. Jin-Long Yang is a Professor and Deputy Dean of the College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU), China. He received the B.S. and M.S. in Marine Fisheries from the Dalian Fisheries College, China, and a Ph.D. in Marine Science and Technology from Nagasaki University, Japan. He joined SHOU in 2009. The research in his laboratory focuses on the interaction among marine molluscs, biofilm and marine environments. He studies two areas: (i) the molecular mechanism of biofilms and receptor genes regulating mussel larval settlement; and (ii) the effect of environmental stress on microbiome, development and immunity in marine bivalves. Now, he is Committee Member of The China Society of Fisheries (CSF), Vice Chair of Marine Culture Committee of CSF and Member of Microbial Ecology Committee of Ecology Society of China. He was elected as the Shanghai Chenguang Scholar in 2009, and the Shanghai Rising-Star Scholar in 2010. He was elected as Excellent Youth in Field of Marine science, State Oceanic Administration, China in 2015. He was the recipient of 15th Fok Ying Tong Education Foundation for Young Teachers in Higher Education Institutions of China, Ministry of Education, P. R. China in 2016.

          Dr. Umi Muawanah (Researcher)
          Research Center for Socio-Economics of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
          Gedung Balitbang KP I, floor 4th, Ancol Timur Jakarta

          Dr. Umi Muawamah was graduated from many different science and technological background; however, during her last two degrees, she focused on the area of resource economics with speciality in marine and fisheries. Her profesional experience was mainly on the area of economic related to the marine and fisheries conservation. During her post graduate study, she has experienced as an teaching and research assistant in the area of environment and resource econmics at the University of Rhode Islands (2008) and University of Connecticut (2009-2012).Her one year Knauss Fellowship at the USFWS in the US has sharpen her interest in bridhing sciene to policy world. She has an excellent skills in economic modeling tools, bioeconomics, production models, econometrics including descrete choice models, impact evaluation, and impact evaluation. She uses tools such as MATLAB, SAS and STATA. Her research interests are economics of fishery management, co-management, and science to policy communication. During the last 5 years back to MMAF, she has been actively involve in the researches of national strategic issues such as impact of IUUF policies, economic integration model for fishery product added value industries, right-based fishery management in Indonesia, the tuna economics in Indonesia and many more. Furthermore, in many occations, she is active in the discourse of bridging research to policy and its recommendations.

          Prof. Dr.Yu-Hung Lin (Co-opted Councilor)
          National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
          Secretary of Asian Fisheries Society, Taiwan Branch
          Department of Aquaculture
          1 Hseuh-Fu Road, Nei Pu, Pingtung 912,

          Dr. Lin is the Professor in Fish Nutrition at Department of Aquaculture, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. He serves on the editorial boards of Aquaculture Report, Secretary of Asian Fisheries Society, Taiwan Branch. He graduated with a Ph.D. in Department of Food Science at National Taiwan Ocean University and spent 6 years in postdoctoral research at the same university. His current research interests include: biological basis of nutrient requirements, nutrition and health and alternative protein and lipid sources in fish and shrimp. He published 48 refereed papers, 5 book chapters and 6 technical reports. In addition, he has assisted the preparation of the NRC (2011) – Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp.